Calvary Chapel

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Worship Will Determine Your Destiny

Worship is much more than just singing songs at church on a Sunday. True worship extends far beyond musical expressions; it is a lifestyle, a daily offering of ourselves to God. Worship is living our lives in sacrifice and dedication to God. Worship encompasses our lives and our resources, including our time, talent, and treasure.

Who or what you worship is the most critical choice you can make in terms of your soul’s destiny. What you worship will shape your eternity.

Satan’s Self-Centred Power Play

Jesus was fully God and fully man. 1 Timothy 3:16 says that “God was manifest in the flesh.” We can understand much about Jesus when we realise that He had two natures; He was fully divine and fully human (Colossians 2:9).

  • As a man, He hungered. As God, He fed 5000.

  • As a man, He prayed. As God, He answered prayers.

  • As a man, He was wounded and crucified. As God, He healed and set the captives free.

  • As a man, He died. As God, He rose again.

  • As a man, He was tempted! As God, He never sinned!

In Luke 4, we see Satan tempting Jesus. He showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, everything the world has to offer, in a moment of time. That’s a lot of temptation! However, Jesus never gave into temptation and, despite being tempted in all points like us, He was without sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Luke 4:6-7: [6] And the devil said unto him, "All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it." [7] "If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine."

Satan was saying, “I’m offering you all these things…but what I really want is for you to worship me.”

The Power Shift Through Worship

Satan was not always “the devil”.  Before his fall from heaven, he was Lucifer, the anointed angel/cherub. He was created to worship and praise God. Music was in him. We could say that Lucifer was the worship leader in heaven.

There is no doubt that Lucifer was able to see the power of worship before his fall. Satan knew that if Jesus would worship him, there would be a transfer of power from Jesus to himself. Satan understood that in the act of worship, power is transferred from the worshipper to the one being worshipped.

If worship affects the spiritual world, if worship can create a shift of power from one to another, I want to worship Jesus completely and wholeheartedly, and I want there to be a transfer of power from me to God in my life.

Who and what you worship is the most critical choice you can make in terms of your soul's destiny.

Worship God Regardless of Circumstance

When we choose to worship, regardless of our circumstances, we initiate a shift in spiritual realms. Worship transfers authority and dominion from ourselves to God. In our weakness, let us worship God. In our weakness, He is made strong.

Job is a wonderful example for us today. One moment Job was on top of the world, the next moment it was all turned upside down and inside out. However, when his life had collapsed, Job worshipped. When it looked like there was nothing good, Job worshipped. "So the LORD blessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning" (Job 42:12). You can grow through tough times, when you worship!

Worship is an act that not only honours God but also enacts His rule and reign in our lives. As we worship God with our lives, we're not just participating in a ritual; we're engaging in a transformative experience that alters our spiritual landscape.

Let us remember that each moment presents an opportunity for worship. In every trial, in every joy, our worship can and will determine our destiny. Let us choose, therefore, to set our hearts and souls to worship the Lord, transforming our lives and aligning our destinies with His divine plan.