We are a Missions Giving Church
Over the years, God has enabled Calvary Chapel to be involved with a variety of projects both at home and abroad.
Partnering with over 50 other churches around Australia, through the United Pentecostal Church of Australia, we are able to combine our giving and efforts to have a greater impact on the world around us. God’s blessing has been on our church and the people of Calvary Chapel because of our dedication to the furtherance of the gospel in Australia and Overseas, and our compassion to the needy.
We may not all be able to go to a foreign country or another city and preach the gospel… We may not be able to touch the homeless, hungry and the orphaned…
……but we can all GIVE something! We are blessed to be a blessing!
I encourage everyone in Calvary Chapel to support the advancement of the gospel and the care of the poor and needy through our missions program. Proverbs 28:27 - He who gives to the poor will not lack, But he who hides his eyes will have many curses.
God’s richest blessing on you!
Jonathan Downs
The primary purpose of Home Missions is evangelism and the 'planting' of new churches in Australia. Our vision is for lost souls to be saved! The key to revival from the Word of God is, "Going..... Weeping.... Sowing.... Reaping......" The responsibility of reaching the lost with the message of salvation is for every child of God. Giving to Home Missions enables men and women with a call of God on their life, to receive support in achieving the great commission in communities across Australia.
The purpose of Overseas Missions is to preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world. Calvary Chapel is currently involved in the mission fields of Indonesia, Timor-Leste and India.
We are instrumental in sending forth missionaries and establishing new churches and currently sponsor a missionary couple from Calvary Chapel who have gone to Timor-Leste to establish a Bible School and church there.
Calvary Chapel also seeks opportunities to help in any way possible to meet humanitarian needs and often has compassion projects as the need arises.
The Audrene Scism Children’s Home is situated in Mizoram, a north-eastern state of India. The foundation stone of the ASCH was laid on 15 January 1992. On 16 January 1993, Bishop and Sister Downs were there for the dedication of the building. Since this time, around 200 children have called the ASCH their home! By the late 1990s, construction had begun for a new educational facility at the orphanage site. The school was named the ‘Susanne Downs Boarding School’ and was officially opened in May 2002 with classes from Nursery Grade to Grade 10. This program has grown above and beyond anything we could have dreamed. The success of this project is only because there is a great God who initiated it, and is directing it. It has been marvelous to see what God can do when His people say ‘yes’! Given the age (30 years) of the original orphanage building and poor construction in the early days, there are some major renovations required to the building. We are currently seeking to raise $40,000 to undertake these renovations on a stage-by-stage basis. Some of the renovations are general repairs, but some are structural requirements due to the deterioration of the cement structure.

Develop a regular giving habit for missions by allocating funds weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
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