Trusting God’s Word

Trusting God's Word, Calvary Chapel, United Pentecostal Church Canberra

From the very beginning of human history, a fundamental question was posed: “Hath God said?” (Genesis 3:1). This seemingly simple inquiry from Satan, disguised as a serpent, led to humanity’s fall into sin. But beyond the immediate temptation, this question represents the devil’s primary tactic: making us doubt God’s word. It is not just a question; it is an attack on the core of our faith, belief, and identity as children of God.

What we believe determines who we are, how we live, and the depth of our relationship with God. Our beliefs shape our actions, worship, obedience, and most importantly, our understanding of God Himself.

If we believe that God is distant or unloving, it can sow fear, indifference, or even rebellion in our hearts. But when we believe in God's love and promises, our entire relationship with Him is transformed. We move in faith, trust, and obedience.

Therefore, the enemy's most potent weapon is to make us question what God has spoken. If Satan can make us doubt, he can undermine our relationship with God and lead us astray.

Belief: The Gateway to God

Faith is the foundation of our relationship with God. Intellectualism, learning, and growth are valuable, but the Bible makes it clear that belief is our true gateway to God. Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.”

No matter how much knowledge we acquire, without belief, our connection to God remains incomplete. Satan knows this, which is why he constantly tries to chip away at what we believe.

The root of the original sin wasn’t merely the act of eating forbidden fruit; it was unbelief. It all began with a question: “Hath God said?” By causing Eve to question God’s word, Satan introduced doubt. And once doubt took root, it led to disobedience. This is a pattern that continues in our lives today. The enemy doesn’t always need to push us into outright rebellion; he just needs to plant seeds of doubt. From there, our faith weakens, and we drift away from the path God has set for us.

The Enemy’s True Target: Your Belief System

Satan is after more than our physical well-being. His true target is our belief system, our faith in God. When he tempted Eve, he didn’t attack her physically; he attacked her belief in God’s goodness and trustworthiness. By making her question whether God had her best interests at heart, Satan sought to destroy her faith.

This same tactic is at play today. Satan whispers lies that make us question God's word, His love, and His plan for our lives.

Luke 18:8 speaks to this when it says, “Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Jesus emphasized that faith would be rare in the last days, not because of lack of knowledge but because doubt would erode people’s trust in God’s word. The enemy’s strategy is clear: if he can make you doubt, he can weaken your faith.

The Fight for Faith in the Last Days

In these last days, the battle over faith is fiercer than ever. Many voices in the world challenge the authority and relevance of God's word. From shifting cultural norms to intellectual arguments, every aspect of modern life seems to invite doubt. But we must remember, just as faith is a conscious decision, so is doubt. Faith requires standing firm in what God has said, even when the world tries to convince us otherwise.

The Stability of God's Word

In times of uncertainty, what we believe must be anchored in something stable and unchanging. Human knowledge changes—what we once believed to be fact can be disproven. But God's word remains steadfast. Proverbs 3:5 reminds us not to lean on our own understanding but to trust in the Lord. Unlike human wisdom, which shifts with time, God's word is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Isaiah 22:23 talks about fastening a nail in a sure place. This imagery is powerful: in a world where everything that can be shaken will be shaken, we need to make sure our lives are anchored to something solid. That something is the word of God.

Parents especially must recognize that their faith is not only for themselves but for their children and generations to come. The “nail” you drive into the truth of God's word holds not only your life but the lives of those who depend on you.  As Hebrews 12:27 reminds us, we are living in days where everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

Where Is Your Faith?

In Mark 4:35-41, the disciples found themselves in the middle of a storm. Despite Jesus being in the boat with them, they panicked. When they woke Him, Jesus calmed the storm and asked, "Where is your faith?" This question is still relevant today. When life’s storms rage around us, do we trust the storm, or do we trust the One who can calm it?

In the end, we must realize that doubt can lead us down dangerous paths, just as it did with Eve. But faith—faith that is anchored in God's word—will lead us to life, peace, and victory. Don’t let the enemy’s questions lead you away from God’s truth. Stand firm, drive your nail into the sure place of God’s word, and you will stand strong in the face of any storm.


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